Marx Review

Read for You the Unsaid.

On the Recent Crackdown of Education Firms in China

Wall-Streeters saw an unprecedented sell-off of Chinese private education firms in the past week, triggered by the latest tightening policy on China’s education sector. In essence, the new policy s...

Debt Levels, Economic Growth, and Development Policies for Efficient Investment

This article is polished based on a speech I delivered at the Shanghai Youth Salon. It argues that it is time for development policies to start tackling the real obsticles hindering efficient inves...

Anti-icing Investment in the Electric Grid

Anti-icing Investment in the Electric Grid The recent disaster and electricity shortage in Texas reminds me the importance to invest in infrastructure that are resilient to climate change. It also...

RCEP Economies as the Global Manufacturing Center

RCEP Economies as the Global Manufacturing Center Click here to view the full slides

Hainan Free Trade Port: A Replacement for Hong Kong?

Coordination, Supply-Chains, and Manufacturing Relocation

The sudden outbreak of COVID 19 brings another reason, national safety, and diversification, to move factories out of China. A more complex multi-centered system of global production web would defi...

COVID19: Status Update of China

The disease: pressure resolved in China, for now After a month and a half, where the whole society paused, it seems that the spreading of COVID 19 in China has been successfully contained. In the ...

A Few Words on the COVID 19 Outbreak

Introduction Today’s piece is about COVID 19. It is a difficult topic because there are so many perspectives. This event is like a mirror, reflecting all the beauty and shame of the society. Here ...

The Initial Heart

One of the hot words these days in the mouth of CPC members is “不忘初心”。 Directly translated, it means Do not forget about the Initial Heart., which makes no sense in English because most people will...

70th Anniversary Celebration of the People's Republic

In the Chinese traditions, turning 70-year-old is a big deal. Even A special Chinese word is reserved for those turing 70, 古稀 (Gu Xi, rare in the history). Usually, a family will host a big party f...